Useful links for Navigation Areas - Buildings

Anytime you are linking out to a page that is created in the SchoolPointe Website, make sure to use the following links (the bold is the only part you need to link out too.) Make sure you do not to use the full URL in case your URL would ever change (it will then stay linked).

Mmake sure that you always have the / in the URL link at the beginning as shown below.

www. Building ID #)

Please note that the highlighted (Your Building ID #) in the URL will need to be adjusted to the ID # of your school building.

/school_forms.aspx?schoolID=(Your Building ID #)

/school_links.aspx?schoolID=(Your Building ID #)

Lunch Menus
/school_lunch.aspx?schoolID=(Your Building ID #)

Photo Gallery
/school_photoGallery.aspx?schoolID=(Your Building ID #)

Principal Message
/school_principalMessage.aspx?schoolID=(Your Building ID #)

School/Student Achievements
/school_achievement.aspx?schoolID=(Your Building ID #)

School Events
/calmonthview.aspx?schoolid=(Your Building ID #)

School Home Page
/school_home.aspx?schoolid=(Your Building ID #)

School News
/school_newsArticles.aspx?schoolID=(Your Building ID #)

School Newsletters
/school_newsletters.aspx?schoolID=(Your Building ID #)

Staff Directory
/school_staff.aspx?schoolID=(Your Building ID #)

Teacher Websites for specific Building
/school_teacher.aspx?schoolID=(Your Building ID #)

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