Choose a school to add a new sport. This allows the adding of each sport that the schools supports. Click on Add a New Sport.
Once you click on Add New Sport you will enter the sport name such as Football, Softball… DO NOT ADD JV, VARSITY… THIS WILL BE ADDED LATER. You will add if it is boys or girls, and the season that sport is played. Select Create Sport.
Once you are into the specific sport, click on Teams View Schedules under the actions/activities. This is where you will add your team levels.
Once you go to the Teams View Schedules you will chose which level of team that sport has.
To add an athletic event you will select the sport & team, enter the opponent and if it is home or away. Choose the location, start & end date & time, contact if there is one, any directions or info and if you would like this event to show on the district calendar.
All athletic events will show on the school page that you enter it under. So if it is in the HS sports it will show in the HS calendar and so on.
If you add your MS sports in the HS area it will show just on the HS calendar not the MS Calendar.
If you select the Check box above the Save button, it will add this sporting event to the district calendar.
To manage your season dates you will click on Manage Current Seasons. You will need to adjust these dates each year for that year's events to show.
Each team will have there own page such as Varsity Boys Baseball where you may add specific content.
Each team will have there own page such as Varsity Boys Baseball where you may add specific content.
You can add News, Schedules, Forms, and Photo Gallery
Full Athletics' Training Video
Full Athletics' Training Video
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