The Alumni Module provides options to assist the delivery of information to Alumni that have signed up.
1. You can send e-mails to those that have signed up for the Alumni
2. Post News articles
3. Post Reunion Information
4. You can export a list to assist gathering all Alumni info.
Whenever someone has signed up as Alumni they must be approved in order to be searchable on the live site.
Reunion Announcements
Reunion Announcements
Allows the adding of announcements about upcoming planned reunions.
Alumni News articles
Alumni News articles
You can place articles that are associated with Alumni and important info for them.
You will need to do the following:
1. Enter start and end dates
2. Add a header title
3. Sub-header is a brief overview of what the article will be about.
4. News content is where you can add your full article with images, links, videos and so on.
Alumni E-Contacts
Alumni E-Contacts
This area allows you to send out e-mails to specific classes or all Alumni.
You will need to do the following:
1. Add a subject
2. Enter your message
3. Select year(s) or all classes
4. Send e-mail
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