Site Settings Overview

Display News Images On Articles: Disable this setting to hide the attached news images when viewing single news articles.

Google Verification Id (meta tag content)Meta Tag code to verify site ownership with Google.  

Enable Google SSO: Mark as TRUE to enable login with your Google account.

Show Vision Helper: Mark as TRUE to enable bar for users to edit size and color for ADA compliance. This will show at the very top of your website. 


Restrict Teacher Page Access: Mark as TRUE to disable automatic access of staff to the online classroom.

Restrict Intranet Access: Mark as TRUE to disable automatic access of staff to the intranet.

Restrict Live Feed Posting: Mark as TRUE to disable automatic post of feed items, items must be reviewed by staff.

Time Zone: Select the timezone you are located in so your alert, news, and event times will be correct.

Require Confirmed Email Address to Log In: With this set to TRUE, all users will be unable to login until they have confirmed their email address. A new confirmation email will be sent when they try to log in, or can be sent or confirmed manually by anyone who can manage staff users.



Google Integration

Please follow these instructions in order to generate your Google Client ID and API Key: Setting up Google Drive Integration

Google Client ID: Client Id

Google API Key: API key from

Enable Google Calendars: Mark as TRUE to enable the Google Calendars will allow access to google calendars on the website.

Enable Google Drive: Mark as TRUE to enable the Google Drive will allow access to google Drive into the CMS file manager.



UserWay Accessibility Tools

Enable UserWay Accessibility Tools: Mark as TRUE to enable the UserWay Accessibility tools will also disable the SchoolPointe Vision Helper. This is the icon the floats at the bottom of your page. Please contact Support in order to get this set up. Once set up, you can turn this on or off as needed.




Logged in View

Change the color of backend links: Change the color of the links in the Admin end of the CMS

Admin Logo Image: Choose what logo shows in the top left corner in the Admin end of the CMS




Customize Section Headings

Administration Department Forms Header: This title will appear on district and building administration pages above your 'forms.' 

Administration Department Links Header: This title will appear on district and building administration pages above your 'links.'




Password Requirements

Require Password Complexity: True turns on all enabled rules for password complexity. If all individual rules are set to false, this will do nothing. 

Minimum Password Length: Passwords must be at least this long.

Require at Least One Capital Letter: Password requires at least one capital letter.

Require at Least One Number: Password requires at least one number.

Require at Least One Special Character (!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~): Password requires at least one special character (!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~).

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