Using the Security Module (with video)

**There have been recent updates to the permission that did not make the video. Please take a look at the permission listing below for updates**

To give someone permission to areas of your website you will need to do the following steps:

1. Select on Security from the CMS home page.
2. If it is the first time to give a person permission you will need to type their last name in the search and select GO.
3. Once their name has appeared you will SELECT them.
4. You will then go and select on the area that you want them to have the permissions too.
5. You will select Enable (District) Access

District Permissions - Ones you will use.
  • School Closings - Allows you to post in the school closings/delays
  • District Forms- Allows you to add forms to the district page that people can download
  • District Links – Allows you to add links to the district page that will link to specific websites
  • Employment- Allows you to post job openings and forms that may be needed by staff and applicants
  • District News- Allows you to add the news articles to the district website
  • Administrative Departments- Allows a user to make changes to their specific Department they are assigned too.
  • Calendar- Allows you to add events to the District calendar. (If permission to calendar is given you must give permission to Calendar Permission that is farther down in the list of permissions)
  • Superintendents Message –Allows you to be able to post the Superintendent’s message
  • Board of Education- Gives you access to the BOE area to list meetings, agendas, minutes, info and BOE members.
  • District Content Pages - Allows a user to make changes to their specific Content Page they are assigned too.
  • Photo Gallery- Allows you to create photo galleries for the District page.
  • **Administrative Dept (super user) – This will be for the admins of the district. This is so that you can see all Admin depts. for the District that have been created and can make changes to any of them. (You must have this permission along with District Admin Depts.)
  • **Content Page (super user) - This will be for the admins of the district. This is so that you can see all Content Pages that have been created for the district area and can make changes to any of them. (You must have this permission along with District Content Pages. )
  • Navigation- Allows you to be able to add the Links that show on the Quick Links and top Navigation
  • Flash Header- This allows you to post images to the rotating images at the top of your page if your district has this feature.
  • **Alerts (Super User)- Allows someone to add alerts to all building and district pages. 
  • Alerts- Only allows a user to add an alert to the specific building they are assigned too. 
  • Bully Reports - Allows someone to access and view the bully reports that have been submitted.
  • Ticketing System - allows someone to view all the tickets, close them, reassign them, and run reports on tickets.
  • Site Settings - Allows users to enable Microsoft and Google Single Sign On, Enable the Vision Helper, and enter a Google Verification ID to verify site ownership.
  • **Manage All Live Feeds (Super User) - Allows the user to manage and see all live feed posts without having their username and password.

Building Permissions
  • Enable Building Access
  • Enable All Building Sections- If you select this it will select all areas of that specific building
  • Forms- Allows you to add forms to the building page that people can download
  • Links- Allows you to add links to the building page that will link to specific websites
  • Current News- Allows you to add the news articles to the building website
  • Newsletters- Allows you to be able to add Newsletters to your building page.
  • Principals Message- Allows you to be able to post the Superintendent’s message
  • Student Achievement- Allows you to add Student/School Achievements such as honor roll, awards…
  • Lunch Menu- Allows you to add your buildings lunch menus
  • Calendar- Allows you to add events to your building calendar. (If permission to calendar is given you must give permission to Calendar Permission that is farther down in the list of permissions)
  • Building Details- Allows you to make changes to the Building Depts, Address, Phone #’s and Principal names.
  • Photo Gallery- Allows you to create photo galleries for the Building page.
  • Building Content Pages- - Allows a user to make changes to their specific Content Page they are assigned too.
  • **Content Page (super user)-This will be for the admins of the district. This is so that you can see all Content Pages that have been created for the specific building area and can make changes to any of them. (You must have this permission along with Building Content Pages. )
  • Navigation
  • Flash Header- This allows you to post images to the rotating images at the top of your page if your Building has this feature.
  • Alerts- Only allows a user to add an alert to the specific building they are assigned too. 
  • Bully Reports - Allows someone to access and view the bully reports that have been submitted for their building.
  • Ticketing System - allows someone to view all the tickets, close them, reassign them, and run reports on tickets for their building.
  • Building Department -  Allows a user to make changes to their specific Department they are assigned too.
  • **Building Department (super user) -  This will be for the admins of the building. This is so that you can see all Admin depts. for the building that have been created and can make changes to any of them.
  • **Manage All Live Feeds - Allows the user to manage and see all live feed posts of individuals assigned to this building without having their username and password.  
Admin Department Permissions
Enable access to all admin departments that have been created, district and building wide.
Calendar Permissions
  • Bulk Import- Allows you to add events to a template (in the CMS) and upload them all at once.
  • Calendar Locations- Allows you to create locations you can select for you events.
  • Event Types- Allows you create event types that will be use within your district/schools
  • Calendar Feeds - Allows you to sync different types of calendars that support feeds to your district or school calendars.
Staff Permissions
  • Online Classroom Access- This allows you to be able to see others OLC without having their username and password. This does not allow you to see their file manager or Video Library.
  • Manage Staff- Allows you to make changes to the staff profile and add and remove staff members.
  • Delete Staff - Allows you to delete staff members from the CMS.
Online Classroom Permission
Enable OLC Permission- This allows someone to have their own OLC page that they can create.

Alumni Permissions
Enable Alumni Module Access- This allows someone to be able to make changes to the Alumni section of the website.

Security Permissions
Enable Security Access- This allows someone to come and make adjustments to these areas in the Security area. This is meant for the main administrators of the website.
Enable File Manager Admin - this allows someone to pull up specific files within someone's file manager and delete them if necessary.
Athletics Module
Enable Athletics Module Access- Allows someone to add the athletics teams, schedules, news, forms and any information pertaining to the athletics of your schools.

E-Survey Module
Enable E-Survey Module- This allows someone to create Surveys that can then be posted to the website or sent out in email.

Communication Module
Enable Communication Module- Allows someone to send out e-information such as newsletters, updates, school closings… this also can send out text messages.

Mobile View Module
Enable Mobile Admin Access- This allows someone to make changes to the look of the mobile view in color & Logo. (not applicable for responsive designs)

View Intranet Permissions
Enabling the view intranet permissions allows you to be able to see the intranet but you cannot make changes to the intranet. 


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