Adding a Classroom & Pages/Sub pages

On a Teacher Webpage, you have the option to add Announcements, Assignments, Blogs, Files & Links or Photo Galleries.

If you are working on a page that you do not want to make public yet, you can always click on the "Disable Teacher Webpage" while you are working on this page. When you are ready to set it live, uncheck the "Disable Teacher Webpage" box.

In the Teacher Webpage, you can also drag and drop the sections and put them in whatever order you wish.  If you want them in one Column, you have that option by just dragging and dropping the box to the place you would like it.


When you add a new page below the Classrooms, you will see a blank slate to put information that may apply to all classes you have. You can add school supply list, permission slips, resources, etc. You can add your page and then enter your information.  Click the "save page" at top right corner.

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