ADA Reporting link


The ADA reporting link is a form that allows people to submit a complaint. If someone is having issues accessing the information on a certain page, they can file that complaint and share this information with you. When you are adding the ADA reporting link to your website, you need to make sure that it is in a place that is accessible from any page from within the SchoolPointe site. A few examples of where you could add this link is below.


The Social Media Links: Click on District Management and on that landing page you will see the District Social Links area. Click Add Social Link, the URL you want to add is simply /ada-report.  For the Link Title, that is what will show when you hoover over the new ADA button. Make sure to add other buildings within your district so that the button will show at the bottom of the building pages as well. Click save and the ADA Complaints button will be with your other social media icons. 
Navigation menu (make sure that it is a menu that is accessible from all areas of the website): Click on District Management then click on Navigation. Click on which ever navigation menu you want to add the link to. Click the add button at the bottom of the page. Fill in the link title, select a parent if wanted, and for the link simply type in /ada-report or click on the Link to an Existing Content, Department, or other Internal Page button. From there, select District and for the page type select ADA Reports. Click save.
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