IFrame in Google Sheet/Slides

IFrame in Google Sheet

  1. Open up a google sheet and add your information

  2. When ready to add to your website, click on File -- Publish to web

  3. Select if you want to entire document or just a specific sheet

  4. There are some additional settings under the Publish content & settings

  5. Once ready, click Publish

  6. Once Published, you can choose between link or embed code.

  7. Click embed code and copy the Iframe code they provide you

  8. Take the code to the content page of your CMS, click the source button in the editor and then paste the code into the content section.

  9. Within that code, you will see a scrolling="no"...change the no to yes

  10. Click source again and you will see a red iframe box. Double click on that box to adjust the height and width.

**I usually do 100% for the width for that helps to keep the iframe responsive. For the hight, add a number, no % (IE: 750 or 500)**


IFrame in Google Slides: (If you are using PowerPoint, you must convert it to a Google slideshow first. Just drag the PowerPoint into your Google Drive. Then right click and open with slides)

  1. Open up a google presentation

  2. When ready to add to your website, click on File -- Publish to web

  3. Select the settings you wish and click Publish

  4. Once Published, you can choose between link or embed code and there are additional settings you can choose from.

  5. Click embed code and copy the Iframe code they provide you

  6. Take the code to the content page (or whatever page you want to add this too) of your CMS, click the source button in the editor and then paste the code into the content section.

  7. Click source again and you will see a red iframe box. Double click on that box to adjust the height and width.

**I usually do 100% or 75% for the width depending on where you put it. That helps to keep the iframe responsive. For the hight, add a number, no % (IE: 750 or 500)**


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